Henna Aho, tm•gallery 22.2.–17.3.2024. Photo by Anna Autio
You can apply for an exhibition time at tm•gallery for the year 2026
Application period: 1.-30. September 2024
Applying for an exhibition time at tm•gallery is open to all professional artists.
In tm•gallery’s exhibition selections, the main focus is on high-level contemporary painting.
Link to the application form will open 1.9.2024:
The application form closes 30.9.2024 at 23.59 Finnish time. Late applications will not be considered.
The Finnish Painters’ Union is committed to following the recommendations of the working group appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Practices regarding the agreement and remuneration practices of organising art exhibitions, Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 2016/4) that exhibition organisers receiving a significant state subsidy shall not charge artists rent or other costs for exhibitions. The Finnish Painters’ Union does not charge exhibition rent to artists.
The Painters’ Union has paid artists an exhibition fee since the beginning of 2022. The introduction of the exhibition fee was based on the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Proposal for an exhibition fee model (Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 2021:39). A state subsidy has been received from the Finnish Heritage Agency for the payment of the fees.
The area of the tm•galleria exhibition space is 91 m2, the room height is 4 m see: https://www.painters.fi/tmgalleria-esittely/
In addition, there are two small hanging walls in the lobby/office space.
The length of the exhibition period is four weeks. This includes installating the exhibition and the Opening day. The applicant can present her / his own wish for the time that suits the best. Correspondingly, if a time does not suit you due to a travel or other obstacle, this should already be mentioned in the application. State in your application that if you are not granted a solo exhibition time, are you willing to participate in a group exhibition of 2-3 artists. The exhibition committee chooses the group (artist groups can also apply for exhibition time). Group exhibitions are organized in July and possibly also at other times.
The form should be attached with a detailed exhibition proposal, including 5 sample images and a CV.
Please note: before uploading, name the files as follows: “lastname_firstname_filename”.
All uploaded files must be in PDF format. Make sure the file sizes do not exceed the given limits.
Attach the following two attachments to your application:
The CV’s maximum length is two A4 pages. Summarize if needed. The uploaded file must be in PDF format. Maximum file size 1MB.
The 5 works shown in the images must form a unified set and must have been created within three years prior to applying. Include the following information below the image: artist’s name, title, year, dimensions, technique, and any other relevant information for the exhibition. The uploaded file must be in the PDF format. Maximum file size 5MB.
The applications are processed by the exhibition committee of the Finnish Painters` Union, which includes five artists and the exhibition coordinator as presenter. All applicants will be notified personally by email about the decision of the exhibition committee. Decisions made on the basis of the artistic merits by the exhibition committee and cannot be appealed.
Notice! The artist who has been granted an exhibition period is not allowed to have a solo exhibition or similar in Helsinki or capital region in another gallery or exhibiton space during one year before her/his exhibition in tm•gallery.
Due to large number of applications, an artist can apply for exhibition at tm•gallery when at least four years has passed since the previous solo exhibition at tm•gallery.
More information: Exhibition coordinator Katariina Lager p. 044 722 0735 (no text messages), katariina.lager(a)painters.fi

Siiri Pohjolainen, tm•gallery 13.6.–6.7.2024. Photo by Jussi Tiainen

Eveliina Hämäläinen, tm•gallery 28.9.–22.10.2023. Photo by Anna Autio

Peetu Liesinen, tm•gallery 7.8.–1.9.2024. Photo by Toivo Heinimäki