It is recommended to fill the electronic application form in due time, because the server might be busy during the last day.
First choose the option you’re applying with. After that the system will instruct which attachments to add. All the attachments have to be named with your name (lastname_firstname_document_name). The maximum size of the image file is 6 Mb. Applications with false information will not be considered.
Technical instruction: It is possible to save the unfinished application and fill it later on during the application period. It is also possible to save the finished application as a pdf-file and print it. It is recommended to fill the application on updated browser. If the application does not allow to return to the unfinished application, clear the browser’s cache.
The electronic application form closes after the application period ends.
Please read all the instructions before applying.
If there are problems please contact the union’s office: membership secretary Johanna Lemettinen, tel. 044 722 0732, johanna.lemettinen(a) (on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays)
- I am not (I have not been) a candidate member and I apply for candidate membership with a degree in visual arts (attachments 1A+4)
- I am not (I have not been) a candidate member and I apply for candidate membership / full membership (attachments 1–4)
- I am a candidate member and I apply for full membership (attachments 1–3)
- I have been a candidate member and I apply for full membership (attachments 1–4)
1. A degree from art school
Attach a degree certificate from art school or a statement of equivalent knowledge and skills. Scan the original certificate as one pdf-file and name it as follows: lastname_firstname_degree.pdf. Load the file to the system. The certificate has to be in Finnish, Swedish or English. If you have lost your certificate, you may ask a copy of it from the institution you received the certificate.
A. Degree certificate from accepted institutions. Accepted degrees granted by Finnish or institutions in EU-area: Bachelor or Master of Fine Art (specialization in visual arts, and the degree must be at least 120 credits), or a diploma granted by the Free Art School in Helsinki (four years of studies). An applicant holding a degree from an institution outside of EU-area must have a Master of Fine Arts degree (specialization in visual arts).
B. Degree certificate from another Finnish or foreign art school and a statement of the content / equivalence of studies in the Finnish education system.
C. A written explanation of how the applicant has otherwise obtained a similar professional qualification (eg. incomplete or shorter art studies and self-study).
Obs! Only the applicants qualifying the option A will be accepted with degree certificate as candidate members. The applicants applying with options B or C need to attach the other attachments also.
2. A curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages)
The curriculum vitae must specify the applicant’s art education and exhibition activities. Exhibition activities should be divided into solo, group and collective exhibitions. List the year, venue and location of the exhibitions. Exhibitions are listed from newest to earliest.
Other merits as a visual artist: success in a national or international art competition, grants and scholarships for artistic activities, public works and works in major art collections.
For public works mention in your cv: the location of the work, the method of production, the customer and the year of manufacture.
Collective exhibitions and art competitions must be entered as their official names. The applicant may also enter information on other activities as a visual artist in the CV, eg other art studies, residencies, activities in artist groups, artists’ organizations, art teacher, etc. If something in the CV is related to the applicant’s studies, this must also be mentioned.
Do not attach critiques or other articles related to your artistic career to the application. Load the cv to the system as a pdf-file. Name the file as follows: cv_Lastname_Firstname.pdf
3. Art works (10) and a list of works
Attach 10 images of your recent art works and a list of works (name of the art work, year, technique, size) of the 10 images as one pdf file.
It is recommended that the 10 works shown in the images form a complete whole and are created within five years prior to applying.
At least one of the images should be an exhibition view so that the proportions of the works and their artistic frame of reference can be better perceived. Sample images may not exceed a total of ten different works. Works must not be older than five years (2019–2024). Particular attention should be paid to the technical quality of the sample images.
Load the images to the system as one pdf file (max. size 6Mb). Name the image file as follows: portfolio_Lastname_Firstname.pdf.
The committee views the works with video cannon. The committee does not consider links to the applicant’s portfolio pages on internet.
4. The receipt of processing fee
The processing fee for the application (EUR 50) is paid to the Finnish Painters’ Union bank account Nooa FI79 4405 2020 0239 57. Use reference number (the reference number will be updated here when the application period begins). Confirm that you have paid the processing fee.
If someone pays the processing fee for you, inform the membership secretary about it: johanna.lemettinen(at)
Obs! The candidates who apply for full membership do not have to pay the fee. The membership has to be active during the year of applying.