tm•galleria: Gunzi Holmström

…that all life is consciousness. I thank Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the Héléne and Walter Grönqvist Foundation for their support of my artistic work. Gunzi Holmström…

tm•galleria: Peetu Liesinen

…this exhibition, I aim to create an atmosphere where disturbance and harmony coexist. The imagery in the works is free to move between different situations, imaginations, and worlds. The serial…

Sales event

…participating. The Sales Event is open for nine days, and customers are welcome to take their purchases immediately. It is worth visiting this free-admission event several times, because the selection…

tm•galleria: Emelie Luostarinen

…constantly changing.   Emelie Luostarinen (b. 1987, Stockholm) lives and works between Helsinki and Stockholm. Her artistic internship is project-based and includes painting, sculpture and performance. The works are often…

tm•galleria: Teemu Mäki

…painter. All the time I’ve kept on painting too — occasionally even full-time, as I did from Midsummer 2020 to Midsummer 2021. I love painting, its history and contemporary forms…

tm•galleria: Tuomo Laakso

…eyes, more and more often birds. At dusk, on the extreme limits of the senses, the birds begin to come to life. A thrush-sized bird, parsed from recycled textiles, is…

tm•galleria: Konsta Huusko

…Rovaniemi Art Museum Korundi in Rovaniemi in 2023. Huusko lives and works in Rovaniemi.   Arts Promotion Center Finland and Finnish Cultural Foundation, Lapland Regional Fund have supported the exhibition….

tm•galleria: Iisa Maaranen

…lie beneath the surface. Subjects and objects are abstracted. Things and spaces overlap, transform and get layered. Color, light and gesture take over the painting.   Iisa Maaranen (b. 1987)…