tm•galleria: Henna Aho

…home environment and everyday life, yoga, physicality and breathing techniques, poetic combination of elements and neo-spiritual mysticism.   Thank you: Kone Foundation and Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation….

tm•galleria: Mirka Raito

…Raito encompasses multible mediums like painting, drawing, installation, performance and collage. Essential for Mirka Raito’s artistic work are biographical and psychological themes, as well as intuitive and experimental process. The…

tm•galleria: Hemmo Siponen

…resolution of examining its parts. For producing these works, I was influenced by reduction of a light source to a point, the limits of resolution, and imaginings beyond resolution. I…

tm•galleria: Andreas Behn Eschenburg

…of what I believe to find behind distant horizons and of the burning desire to venture further out. Andreas Behn-Eschenburg   Andreas_Behn_Eschenburg_CV_2024 Instagram: @behneschenburg Thank you: Arts Promotion Centre Finland