tm•galleria: Taru Kallio

…are complex ecosystems where the creatures of dreams, nightmares, and fantasies live. The work is based on long-term artistic research where she deals with the idea of the body, sexuality,…

tm•galleria: Henna Aho

…home environment and everyday life, yoga, physicality and breathing techniques, poetic combination of elements and neo-spiritual mysticism.   Thank you: Kone Foundation and Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation.

tm•galleria: Paavo Paunu

The works in the exhibition are painted on thick recycled plywood. I am interested in the simultaneous objectivity of the painting and the possibility of a three-dimensional impression. Paavo Paunu…

tm•galleria: Mirka Raito

…work are biographical and psychological themes, as well as intuitive and experimental process. The artist thanks warmly the Kone Foundation for supporting the exhibition and her artistic work.    …

tm•galleria: Niklas Ingelius

…movement in paintings through numerous repetitive thin layers. The title of the exhibition, Garden in Motion, comes from the theory of Le Jardin en mouvement, the garden in motion, by