tm•galleria: Markus Lampinen

of watercolor paintings. The paintings consist of cubic structures and gray water. The repeated obscure structures in the paintings are partially visible and some of them are covered with water….

tm•galleria: Vesa Arjatsalo

The paintings depict people, their actions, thoughts and characters. They are based on the artist’s croquis drawings over the years.       Arts Promotion Centre Finland has supported the

tm•galleria: tm•galleria on suljettu / tm•gallery is closed

…työhuoneille somekanavissamme Facebookissa ja Instagramissa. Viikoittain esittelemme kahden näyttelyn taiteilijoiden kuvia / video-tervehdyksiä. Voit seurata somekanaviamme osoitteissa: Facebook: Instagram:   Taiteilijajärjestöjen galleriat avautuvat jälleen! Tiedote julkaistu 22.5.2020:…

tm•galleria: Jenni Eskola

  Color is at the center of the exhibition. In her work, Eskola uses light-sensitive vegetable dyes, which she prepares herself. Since 2015, she has been working on a constantly…

Nuoret – Young Artists 2023

…2023. The exhibition will be displayed in seven different exhibition spaces: Kunsthalle Helsinki, Galleria G, Photographic Gallery Hippolyte, MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Galleria Sculptor, tm•gallery and the Helsinki Art…


…☏ 040 725 7839 Office Director Elisa Lientola (legal advice for members) ☏ 044 766 4504 Financial Planning Officer Eeva Kilpinen ☏ 044 722 0733 Out of office 16.8.–30.11.2024 Communication